CLEAR Moto Five Foundational Skills


Foundational skills are key in any sport or skill, from skiing to cooking, a person needs to dedicate the time to learn and master the basics in order to increase their overall skill in a particular field. At CLEAR Moto we have designated five key foundational skills, which we teach in every course we offer. Foundational skills are rooted in all that we teach, and we never stop practicing these five skills. Think of any top athlete, they never stop practicing the most basic moves. A swing, a dunk, a pitch.

The CLEAR Moto Five Foundational Skills are comprised of:

  • Vision

  • Balance

  • Clutch Control

  • Throttle Control

  • Braking Control

They are in this order on purpose. With the idea that we can’t go anywhere if we aren’t first aware of where we are going visually. Braking control happens to be at the end, not because it lacks importance, rather because you have to go before you can stop. At CLEAR Moto we believe that all five of these foundations is important, acting as a pillar, all holding the same weight.

Learning, practicing and mastering these five foundational skills will make you a more confident, proficient, and controlled rider, in any situation. The better you become performing these skills, the further up the skill levels spectrum you will travel. Graduating from novice into intermediate, and beyond.

COMING SOON: If you would like to explore each of these foundations in more depth, with examples and at-home-exercises, please join our paywalled blog series all about the CLEAR Moto Five Foundational Skills.


Staying Moto-Ready through Winter


Ride More with Intention & Consideration