General FAQ
No. Being brand new to motorcycling is what CLEAR Moto is here for. We’re happy to help you get started with a private coaching session.
All riders must show proof of a valid motorcycle endorsement in order to participate in any CLEAR Moto training.
This is because we may ride on public roads before, during, and after training.
Unfortunately CLEAR Moto is not in a position to award motorcycle licensing or endorsements.
You must go through New Mexico’s MSF program or test directly with the DMV. If you are in a different state look up “MSF” for licensing class schedules.
CLEAR Moto does have a rental motorcycle available for training purposes only. If you want to learn to ride before investing in your own motorcycle, we’re here for you.
Expertise, dedication, and consideration.
The way we coach is critical to your success, and we take that very seriously.
We have and continue to dedicate much of our time and resources into ensuring you have top-notch coaches and a great learning experiences with us. We do this by continued education both on and off the motorcycles.
Our lead coach and founder, Cassie Maier, has many years of professional coaching and guiding experience. Her mentors are some of the best in the motorcycle training industry. It’s more than just a passion for us, it’s a skill that we are constantly working to improve, ensuring you get the most out of their training and riding experience with CLEAR Moto.
CLEAR Moto is a mobile coaching program, which means that we have to travel to many places around the country to reach our riders. That requires days of our time and fuel costs to get to and from.
We have some of the best coaches in the industry and that isn’t cheap. We also believe in our coaching program because we’ve seen it succeed time and time again with our riders. In our mind, that counts for something.
The way we see it, when it all boils down, training is valuable and if you’re paying for something, you should get what it is worth. If you don’t believe in the CLEAR Moto program, don’t pay our prices.
Our founder, Cassie Maier, lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Some of our training takes place here, while most of our programs are offered in the Southwestern and Western states of the U.S. primarily. Please see our Calendar for training dates and locations.
If you are interested in Private Coaching, that typically takes place in Albuquerque.
First consider how much time you have with adventure riding. Then consider how that time has made you feel? Finally, rank each of these for yourself:
Tally it all up and that should help you know which level to sign up for. If you are still unsure, reach out to us and we can help.
Novice level is for new riders, or new-to adventure riders.
The training pace is slower, allowing time for all the information to settle in. We highly encourage learning and dedicating time to learning foundational skills.
Intermediate level is for riders that have a little more experience with adventure riding. The pace is faster based on the mutual understanding that the rider is beyond a novice level pace.
Intermediate+ level is our version of a more advanced course. Pushing the limits and refining the foundational skills to a point where the hard trails aren’t so hard anymore.
Thank you so much for spending your time to travel and train with us!
Many of the locations we use for training have tent and camper van/truck lodging available. Some even have glamping options. Please check the registration page for more details.
You are welcome to arrive the night before no earlier than 4:00 pm. If you need to arrive late, or plan to arrive the morning of, please let us know.
If you are hauling a trailer, or in a large camper or RV, we need to know. This will ensure that you have a place to park and turn around.
If you want or need help unloading and/or loading your motorcycle, please let us know.
All riders must wear a properly fitted DOT approved motorcycle helmet and eye protection while riding a motorcycle during training or on the training facility/property. No exceptions.
We require riders wear:
Long sleeved shirt
Long pants (without holes)
Sturdy closed-toed, over-the-ankle boots
Full-fingered gloves
You are welcome to have more protection than this of course, and that would warm our hearts. We recommend that your gear be motorcycle specific, and discipline specific.
Please visit our BLOG for a more in-depth explanation of the gear we recommend for adventure riding.
CLEAR Moto believes that motorcycling is for everyone, and that means we want to respect all people. It is a simple gesture to call a person by their chosen name and their appropriate pronoun.
If you don’t want or care to state your pronoun, you do not have to.
Please note that CLEAR Moto does use people’s pronouns and we will not tolerate any intentional disrespect from any of our riders toward any other students, staff, or volunteers.
CLEAR Moto is open to all people and because of this, we do not offer a ladies only. However, because we are a woman-owned and operated school, with a female lead coach, we have a lot of woman riders in our courses. Sometimes we have more women in a classes than men!
We offer co-ed for a few reasons:
Because we want everyone to feel welcome at all times
We are respectful of pronoun use and having a gender only course feels limiting
The men willing to be in a co-ed, pronoun positive space, taught by a woman, are the kind of men we want in our groups
If you feel that your coach did a wonderful job, they would greatly appreciate any tip you choose to give them.
We do not provide meals. Please come prepared to feed yourself.
We will provide some snacks and water.
For training locations that have drinking water, we’ll use their water. Bring your own bottled water if you prefer it.
Training will take place in most weather conditions. If the conditions make operating the motorcycle unsafe, training may be cancelled or rescheduled. For a more in-depth list of weather conditions that would cancel training please see the CLEAR Moto Policy page.
Pease see our Price page
Payment is due when you schedule your training.
Your can either pay in-full or pay a 50% deposit.
All outstanding balances are due two weeks prior to your training and/or ride.
Please see our Policy page for more information.
Please see our Policy page for more information regarding our Cancellation Policy.

Foundational ADV Skills Training
Foundational ADV Skills Training is best for new riders and new-to adventure riders. This includes riders that have experience and/or many years riding pavement. Adventure riding is a different discipline, like ballet to jazz dancing, similar, but not the same.
This is NOT a brand new to riding motorcycles course. We do offer private coaching if you’d like to start with learning to ride and operate a motorcycle from the very beginning.
Yes, ideally.
If you are in need of a rental, please let us know and we’ll do our best to get you connected with those that offer rentals.
Foundational ADV Skills Training is focused on the CLEAR Moto Five Foundational Skills.
You’ll spend two full days learning and practicing skills which build you a strong and sturdy foundation. A solid foundation is where more advanced skills come from.
Our goal is to help increase your confidence, proficiency, and control. We’ll do this through skills such as:
Motorcycle Lifting Techniques
Stop & Go Techniques
Steering and Turning
Understanding Traction and Terrain
We’ll take a one hour lunch. We will also take periodic breaks throughout training to stay hydrated and nourished.
Albuquerque, NM near Sandia BMW Motorcycles
Parker, CO at The F.A.R.M.
Palmer, AK on private property
Dates and locations may vary. Please pay close attention to what course is being offered.
Check out our Calendar for upcoming training.
It’s alright to feel nervous. Pat yourself on the back for investing in yourself. Taking our Foundational ADV Skills Training is the right step toward building the confidence, proficiency, and control you need to eliminate those nerves.
Our coaches are trained to be people first, motorcycle coaches second. We are here to support and guide you every step of the way.
If you are the kind of person that wants or needs a lot of attention from the coach, we highly recommend a Private Coaching session instead of a group course. Your coach will be limited to how much one-on-one time they can dedicate to your needs in a group setting.
Don’t rush. If you feel that you need more time with the basics, retake the Foundational ADV Skills Training. You’ll pick up something new or you’ll have a lightbulb moment with another go at the novice level.
If you are ready for more, try our Adventure Ready Training which is at the intermediate level. The pace will be faster and more precise. Sign up and attend with the understanding that your coach assumes you know your foundational skills and is teaching based on that.

Adventure Ready ADV Skills Training
This is the next step for riders that have completed our Foundational ADV Skills Training or have prior adventure riding experience.
Adventure Ready is designed with the idea that you want to get out on the trails more and we want to teach you the skills to better stay out of trouble, how to get out of trouble, and do so with confidence, proficiency, and control.
Intermediate is where riders often graduate from surviving to thriving out on the trails.
Yes, ideally.
If you are in need of a rental, please let us know and we’ll do our best to get you connected with those that offer rentals.
Similar to that of our novice level course, Adventure Ready will continue to practice and hone the CLEAR Moto Five Foundational Skills.
You’ll spend two full days learning and practicing skills which will make riding specific trail conditions easier. Giving you the ability to maintain control, traction, and direction. All trail conditions are simulated.
Our goal is to help increase your confidence, proficiency, and control. We’ll do this through skills such as:
Intentional/Technical Stops
Technical Steering and Turning
Reading Traction and Terrain
We’ll take a one hour lunch. We will also take periodic breaks throughout training to stay hydrated and nourished.
Lindrith, NM on private property
Parker, CO at The F.A.R.M.
Park City, UT at GRIT
Palmer, AK on private property
Dates and locations may vary. Please pay close attention to what course is being offered.
Check out our Calendar for upcoming training.
If you are feeling nervous for the Adventure Ready Training as an intermediate rider, please take a quick pause for deeper evaluation.
What specifically are your nervous about?
Do you feel confident with the current state of your foundational skills?
How have you been feeling on your trail rides?
If your answers are related to your riding, we may suggest retaking our Foundational ADV Skills Training.
If your answers are related to some social/peer concerns, please ask yourself honestly if that is because you should retake our Foundational ADV Skills Training or if you’re fine and just silly about people.
If your riding skill is there and you’re feeling nervous, that’s fine. We are here for you. See you at our Adventure Ready Training!
The intermediate realm is broad, so take your time. We encourage riders to retake Adventure Ready Training one or more times before signing up for our Grand Adventure Training.
You may also want to consider Private Coaching to help fine tune your weaknesses. Allowing yourself time for one-on-one training, and focusing on a curriculum based on your specific needs versus those of the group.
If you are ready for our Grand Adventure Training, this is what we consider our Intermediate Plus level. At this level, you’ll be prepared to tackle all the expert sections of the BDR’s.

Grand Adventure ADV Skills Training
Intermediate Plus to Advanced.
We call this “plus” because the intermediate level is so vast that we don’t ignore that realm. The skills taught at this level are based on all the same basic skills learned at the novice level, they are just more precise now.
Yes, ideally.
If you are in need of a rental, please let us know and we’ll do our best to get you connected with those that offer rentals.
Grand Adventure Training will get you ready to tackle all the expert sections of the BDR’s and the famous Alpine Loop in Southern Colorado, just to name a few. This training will elevate your skill to a point where you have the most amount of control of your traction, momentum, and direction. All of which remains rooted in the CLEAR Moto Five Foundational Skills.
You’ll also learn how to avoid trouble, as well as how to get out of it once you’re in it.
Grand Adventure Training will be available in 2026
Having some nerves is healthy. It means you aren’t packed full of blind confidence.
The training will be hard and it will ask a lot of your body and mind.
The Grand Adventure Training is only available to CLEAR Moto Adventure Ready (intermediate) alumni. Your coach will let you know if you are not ready for this training.
If you are looking for even more, retake the Grand Adventure and/or Adventure Ready Training. Nothing can replace dedication, practice, and repetition.
These skills are perishable, so ride as much as you can and come back for our professional coaching.
If you want to take it a step further, you can sign up for Private Coaching and have one-on-one attention and a curriculum designed for your needs and goals.

Trail Training
Novice or Intermediate.
Please pay close attention during signup to ensure you are registering for your desired level of training.
Yes, ideally.
If you are in need of a rental, please let us know and we’ll do our best to get you connected with those that offer rentals.
A lot can be learned and established during any of our two day training options. Taking those skills and applying them to real trail conditions is key.
Trail Training is offered:
Add-on to any of our two day trainings
Stand-alone (found only at the Dusty Lizard Campouts)
You’ll learn:
Trail Condition Considerations
Traction Needs & Availability
Visual Information & Optimization
Stopping & Starting Techniques for Trail Conditions
As an add-on, you gain the benefit of having practiced skills in a controlled environment for two days. Then testing those same new skills on a ride.
As a stand-alone option, you get to have a coach provide insight and feedback about trail elements and techniques to tackle them.
Trail Training is offered either as a stand alone training or as an add-on for our two day training options.
Please check our Calendar for availability.
Trail Training is NOT a trail ride. The focus on our Trail Training is to stop at trail elements to discuss them, then practice on them.
Be prepared to stop and go, and be in and out of your helmet a lot. This is still a training, and we want to make sure your time and money with us is well spent.
If you are looking for a guided trail ride, please keep in touch with us. We hope to have rides available on our 2025 Calendar.
Please bring plenty of food and water with you during Trail Training.
This means you’ll need to have some way of carrying it, such as a backpack, tank bag, saddle bags, etc.
We’ll take lunch on the trail, so please come prepared.
There may not always be a bathroom for you to use out on the trail. Please come prepared to use the trees, shrubs and rocks as cover.
If there is a pit toilet along our trail we’ll certainly take a break there.
We’re all here because we want to ride our adventure motorcycle! Taking it out on the trail with the guidance and support of our professional coaches and guides should ease your nerves.
The best advice we can give is “breath.” If you need a little more than that, ask your coach for advice. They just spent the last two days with you and can help set you up for success on your Trail Training ride.
That all depends on which level you have already completed. Regardless, ride more. Get out on the trails more. Nothing can replace raw experience. CLEAR Moto is here to help set you up for success so your experiences remain safe and enjoyable.

Training Locations
Training Available:
Foundational ADV Skills Training
Mini Sessions
Non on-site
Hotels/motels nearby
No water on-site
Toilets & Showers:
Non on-site
Coffee available
Please bring your own meals
Do not ride on any obstacles before proper instruction
Nice to Know:
This is a lot is near Sandia BMW and we can use their services, such as coffee machine and restroom (when they are open)
Training Available:
Adventure Ready ADV Skills Training
Tent camping
Camper van
Property owners have an airbnb available
Hotels/Motels available 45 minutes away
Please be prepared to bring your own water
We’ll also provide water
Toilets & Showers:
Portable toilet
No showers available (unless you rent out the airbnb)
Please bring your own meals
Do not ride on any obstacles or areas before proper instruction
Respect the property owners and their family, pets, and livestock. Absolutely no speeding on the road ways near camp or their home.
Nice to Know:
This is private property that is being leant out to CLEAR Moto, we ask that you are respectful so we get invited back
You’ll have many miles of maintained dirt road to get to the property. Including two arroyo crossings.
You’ll have unmaintained dirt roads that enter the property. Please be prepared to ride or drive these roads.
Training Available:
Novice & Intermediate Trail Training
Tent camping
Camper van
Water on-site
Toilets & Showers:
Available at the campsite
Breakfast and dinner provided on select days (provided by Mosko Moto)
Coffee available
Please bring your own snacks and lunch
Do not ride on any obstacles before proper instruction
Nice to Know:
This event is being hosted by the Dusty Lizard Campout.
Trail Training and the Dusty Lizard Campout have separate signups.
Training Available:
Novice & Intermediate Trail Training
Tent camping
Camper van
Water on-site
Toilets & Showers:
Available at the campsite
Breakfast and dinner provided on select days (provided by Mosko Moto)
Coffee available
Please bring your own snacks and lunch
Do not ride on any obstacles before proper instruction
Nice to Know:
This event is being hosted by the Dusty Lizard Campout.
Trail Training and the Dusty Lizard Campout have separate signups.
Training Available:
Special occasions only
Glamping is available for a fee
Tent and Camper Van spots available on-site for a fee.
Hotels/Motels available 30 minutes away.
If you have a trailer or large camper/RV let us know so we can sort out parking and turning around (space is limited)
Tap water on-site.
Toilets & Showers:
Shower house with toilets
Coffee available
Please bring your own meals
No engines running before 8:30 am or after 10:00 pm
All riders must agree and sign So Live So Ride’s waiver
Do not ride on any obstacles or areas before proper instruction
Nice to Know:
The property is gated, please let us know if you plan to arrive early or late
Training Available:
Novice - Foundational ADV Skills Training
Intermediate - Adventure Ready ADV Skills Training
Non on-site
Hotels/Motels available 10 minutes away
Please be prepared to bring your own water
Toilets & Showers:
Portable toilet
No showers available
Please bring your own meals
Do not ride on any obstacles or areas before proper instruction
Nice to Know:
This is private property that is being leant out to CLEAR Moto, we ask that you are respectful so we get invited back
The Motorcycle Shop is the reason CLEAR Moto comes to Alaska, show them some love
Training Available:
Adventure Ready ADV Skills Training
Glamping is available for a fee
Tent and Camper Van spots available on-site for a fee.
Hotels/Motels available 20 minutes away.
If you have a trailer or large camper/RV let us know so we can sort out parking and turning around (space is limited)
Tap water on-site.
Toilets & Showers:
Shower house with toilets
Coffee available
Please bring your own meals
No engines running before 8:30 am or after 10:00 pm
All riders must agree and sign GRIT’s waiver
Do not ride on any obstacles or areas before proper instruction
Nice to Know:
GRIT provides motorcycle rentals
Training Available:
Foundational ADV Skills Training
Adventure Ready ADV Skills Training
Tent and Camper Van spots available on-site for a fee.
Hotels/Motels available 15 minutes away.
If you have a trailer or large camper/RV let us know so we can sort out parking and turning around (space is limited)
Tap water on-site.
Toilets & Showers:
Portable toilet on-site
Hot water shower on-site
Coffee available
Please bring your own meals
Microwave available
No engines running before 8:30 am or after 10:00 pm
All riders must agree and sign The F.A.R.M. waiver
Do not ride on any obstacles before proper instruction
Nice to Know:
This is a gated property, so you must let us know when you anticipate arriving
Training Available:
Novice & Intermediate Trail Training
Tent camping
Camper van
Water on-site
Toilets & Showers:
Available at the campsite
Some provided by Red Rock Harley Davidson of Las Vegas
Coffee available
Please bring your own snacks
Do not ride on any obstacles before proper instruction
Nice to Know:
This event is being hosted by Red Rock Harley Davidson of Las Vegas. Please reach out to them for signups and more info.